Ignition Pathway

Follow our path to success and become a master of Ignition

1. Fundamentals

All Users
Get started with Ignition by completing our Fundamentals course. This course provides and overview of the Ignition dashboard, clients and client records, and proposals.
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2. Creating a Proposal for an Individual Tax Return

Admin Team
Let us guide you through our best practice process to create a proposal for an individual tax return in its entirety. Here we cover every stage of the proposal building process including invoice syncing between Xero and XPM.

3. Creating a Proposal for a Business Client

Admin Team
Similar to our course for Creating a Proposal for an Individual Tax Return, this course guides students through creating a multi-service, multi-workflow proposal in its entirety.
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Write your awesome label here.

4. Building Workflows & Jobs

Admin Team
Learn how to streamline your operations with workflow automation to trigger the creation of jobs in XPM once a proposal has been accepted.

5. Customising Templates & Services

Practice Manager / Partner
A robust and standardized library of templates can significantly enhance your efficiency. Learn how to create custom templates for your proposals, services, terms, emails, and messages to improve your workflow.
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