Recording Time

Jun 15 / Clarity Street
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In this session, we will walk you through the different methods of entering time in XPM. Understanding the nuances of each method can help you streamline your workflow, improve accuracy, and ultimately save time and money.
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Manual Time Entry
The first and most straightforward method of entering time in XPM is manual time entry. This involves manually inputting the time worked into the software, either by the staff member or an administrator. This method is useful for those scenarios where the time worked is unknown, or the work completed was not specifically a task.
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Stopwatch Time Entry
The stopwatch time entry method lets you capture time spent on a task in real-time. This method is perfect for those who want to track the time worked throughout the day, without having to rely on memory or manual input. With the stopwatch function, you can easily track the time spent on different tasks or clients, providing a more accurate representation of your day-to-day activities.
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Time-Based Invoicing
Another effective method of entering time in XPM is using time-based invoicing. This involves billing clients based on the amount of time spent on their work. By entering time worked for a task, you can easily track billable hours and generate invoices based on time worked. Time-based invoicing can help increase revenue, improve accuracy, and save time by automating the billing process.
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Watch a recording of this session below.